Thursday, May 16, 2013

Comfy day/Vampire Diaries Rant

Sooo... Ive been uber busy with school lately and my BF that I haven't had time to blog. But I just finished the season 4 finale of vampire diaries and am a little upset at how it ended. So I'm going to rant.

Begin rant//

I can't believe Elena chose Damon. He is not the right person for her. According to the book series that the show is based off of, Elena and Stefan are true soul mates. They have a connection as soul mates which cannot be broken. But obviously was torn apart in the series. Now that she's chosen Damon, there's no way she can go back to Stefan without looking like a slut.. (*excuse my language). I like the changes here and there to the storyline, but this is where they crossed the line.. I mean, I'm sure twilight fans would be horrified if the movie series had Bella choosing Jacob over Edward. So I'm sure that some Vampire Diaries fans are upset. But there is another season, so I guess I'll see what they're going to do with the story line. But if they don't fix some things soon, I'm going to have to end my following of the show. 

End rant//

This is my comfy outfit day. Shorts and an oversized cardigan. The weather has been a little weird lately, so I dont know when to wear shorts or a sweater, so I wear both..


1 comment:

  1. hi reshil!
    like oversized cardigan too♥

    Ate Rea
